New version of the catalogue Mass ventilation of garages!
In the catalogue we present suitable fan types and possible ventilation methods for specific garage buildings.
The design method using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation software is commented on.
The catalogue can be downloaded here.

Electronic invoicing

Electronic invoicing

Electronic invoicing is a simple, efficient and environmentally friendly way of transmitting tax documents, based on the applicable laws of the Czech Republic, in particular Act No. 235/2004 Coll. on VAT, as amended. The electronic marks of the documents sent are regulated by Act No. 440/2004 Coll. on electronic signature, as amended.

Tax documents are sent electronically by e-mail in the standard PDF format and in XML format in the ISDOC standard.

The company ELEKTRODESIGN ventilators sends these documents by electronic mail (e-mail) signed with an electronic mark based on a qualified system certificate from the certification authority of the Czech Post s.p. - PostSignum QCA.

Tax invoices signed in this way meet the requirements of Act No. 235/2004 Coll. on value added tax, as amended, in particular when issuing tax documents in electronic form (Art. 26, para. 2 of the aforementioned Act), while maintaining the credibility and origin of the electronically issued tax document (Art. 34, para. 4, letter b) of the aforementioned Act). of the Act), thus preventing any unauthorized modification of the document after its issuance.

How the system will work:
If you decide to take advantage of electronic invoicing, it is necessary to first send your consent in writing to our company's address (or send it electronically with a recognized electronic signature of the person who made it). In your statement, please also indicate the e-mail address (including an alternative e-mail address) to which the electronic tax documents will be sent.

Information about the consent to the issue of electronic tax documents will be recorded in our information system. At the same time, you will no longer receive paper tax documents, but will receive them by e-mail to the address you have provided.

Definition of terms used:
Electronic invoicing - This is a modern form of communication, based on the applicable laws of the Czech Republic - in particular the Act on Electronic Signature No. 227/2000 Coll., as amended.

Electronic Mark - Act No. 227/2000 Coll., on Electronic Signature, as amended, introduced a new concept of "Electronic Mark" and "Marking Person", which can be either a natural or legal person or an organizational unit of the state authorities, which holds a tool for creating electronic marks and marks a data message with an electronic mark.

Qualified System Certificate - For electronic tags, a different type of qualified certificate is used: the so-called qualified system certificate. This can be issued to a natural person as well as to a legal person or an organisational unit of the state, as opposed to an electronic signature, which applies only to a natural person.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 326 909 010, 326 90 90 17, 326 90 90 15.

From ELEKTRODESIGN ventilators s.r.o.

Ing. Petr Koutník, Ph.D., v.r.


If you wish to withdraw your consent to receive electronic invoices, please do so by emailing

Download your consent form:

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